Neal Theise

Physician, Pathologist, Stem Cell Researcher

Quotes by Neal Theise

"Self organizing systems, also known as complex systems, describe groups of interacting individuals, that if they fulfill certain criteria, they will self organize into large scale structures... the way birds will assemble into a flock, the way humans will create neighborhoods in cities.   With ant colonies, three ants don't make a colony, twenty five will, two hundred an fifty will make a more complex colony, and a thousand ants will make a still more complex colony.   No individual is monitoring what is going at in the whole -- the flock of birds isn't paying attention to the shape of flock, each individual ant isn't considering if there is enough food in the colony -- they're just doing what they do at the local level.  There's got to be low level randomness in the system.   If there's too much randomness, they there is disorder, but without randomness, the system will always self organize exactly the same way -- and if the environment then changes, the system cannot adapt.   Low level randomness allows systems to start organizing into adapting living social colonies.   Our cells self organize like this and and fulfill the same criteria.  " - Neal Theise

"Autopoiesis explains how cells are sentient (sensing their environment and altering their behavior), but, at a lower level it turns out that even bio molecules also show sentience.  In DNA molecules, the electrons in the double helix can dissociate into an electrical current.  When ionizing radiation comes in, like UV light that could cause a mutation, DNA molecules can electromagnetically divert the mutation away from the mission critical coding region of DNA, and shift it to a non coding region where mutation isn't going to really have as much of an effect.  There is sentience at the bio-molecular level.    Is there sentience at the atomic level?   Its simpler, but electrons sense each other and bond, or not bond to other between atoms... Sentience, to me... is present all the way through existence." - Neal Theise

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