5D Many Worlds

The five dimensional model for quantum foundations, reality and consciousness.

Our universe, and all matter exhibits three spatial dimensions.  We often call them width, depth and height (or X,Y,Z axis).  A 4th dimension of "time" is bound with our spatial dimensions, and core to the reality we experience as 4D Space-Time.  (T,X,Y,Z)  This was first discovered/proposed by Albert Einstein in the early 20th century, as part of Special and General Relativity, which reshaped our understanding of time, matter and gravity.  The fourth dimension of time allows change to the entire three dimensional construct of the universe.

ConscioCentrism proposes that another 5th dimension is bound to 4D Spacetime, which allows for quantum probability, superposition, freewill/choice/branching, and consciousness.  The 5th dimension is a canvas of possible 4D spacetime continuums which we freely navigate in consciousness and branch between based on the thoughts and actions of the collective.  

Quantum Foundations:
From a quantum foundations standpoint, this aligns with the Many Worlds interpretation (Hugh Everett's Relative State Formulation), and is consistent with the Schrödinger equation and Born Rule.   The "many worlds" indicates a dimensional extrusion from our known 4D spacetime to five dimensions... literally many 4D worlds in a 5D canvas of possibilities.   A dimensional promotion, at its core, indicates taking all the dimensions beneath (or above), and creating a vector for change.  This idea of a 5th dimension also aligns well with David Bohm's theory of an implicate and explicate order, and a sort of holographic underpinning to quantum mechanics and reality.   

The Amazing Capabilities of Consciousness:
Consciousness is, and has been, the elephant in the room among physicists since the unveiling of quantum mechanics in the early 20th century.   It has been a sort of taboo topic to discuss, along with questioning the dogmatic Copenhagen interpretation of quantum collapse.   But among physicists who are considering quantum foundations and really understanding reality, it has become clear that consciousness is a component, and shouldn't just be swept under the rug and ignored.    

We take it for granted, but our conscious abilities are extraordinary.   We can, in the blink of an eye, jump backward in time to our memories, forward in time to visualize our futures, and sideways through time to envision other potential versions of reality had we made different choices.   This is an amazing feat, and we will explore how this ability is actually our consciousness traveling through the 5D canvas of many spacetime possibilities (the Implicate Order), visualizing and partially enfolding a new window of reality, but with not necessarily enough consensus/alignment to create the solidity which we collectively experience in "the moment of now".

Further Speculation About Gravity and the Collective Moment of Now:
This 5th Dimension paradigm for quantum foundations may also be key to uniting Gravity with Quantum Mechanics... which is a sort of holy grail of physics.   Consciocentrism posits that the concept of dimensional gravity may actually exhibit its "bending effect" at the 4D:5D manifold, similar to how Einstein explained gravity at the 3D:4D manifold -- and not only cause 3D matter to gravitationally gather together, but also have a "gravitational effect" on 4D time, into what we collectively experience as "the moment of now".   Gravity may be the reason we all experience "now" together... though, Consciocentrism posits the possibility that like we have different pockets of 3D:4D spatial gravity (planets, stars), there may be pockets in 5D reality in distant parts of the universe which gravitate to different time indexes for their "moment of now".    



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