Core Principles of Consciocentrism

Exploring the core principles and tenets of Consciocentrism

Below are some of the core principles of Consciocentrism.  Each of these topics is discussed in detail within this website, with critical analysis of each point, and research from quantum mechanics, physics, relativity, cosmology, biology, chemistry, neuroscience and psychology.

1. Fundamental Consciousness
Consciousness is fundamentally tied to, and inseparable from matter.   It does not exclusively and magically arise out of the brain as some arbitrary point in more advanced life forms  - rather, it is a fundamental and ever present aspect of reality.   In order to differentiate between higher level consciousness in humans, we may use the term "proto consciousness" to describe the consciousness that exists in all matter, through basic single cell life and up... but there is a continuous spectrum of consciousness that exists, fundamental to all matter.   
Electromagnetism is the core "sense of touch" that all particles use to feel reality.   

2. Quantum Mechanics Interpretation
From a quantum mechanics standpoint, Consciocentrism most closely subscribes to Everett's Relative State Formulation (aka Many Worlds Interpretation) of wave collapse and the Schrodinger equation.   However, instead of viewing these many worlds as separate distinct realities, Consciocentrism states that we simultaneously exist and have access to all of them, and reality is a composite, stacked view of the manyverse of possibilities.  We can view this as a dimensional promotion from 4D spacetime - the 5th dimension is the canvas of the Many Worlds of Possibility, and our consciousness exists in this dimensional structure.  

3. The Manyverse Realm of Consciousness
In our daily lives, we take for granted the amazing abilities of our consciousness to travel the manyverse -- we have memories going back in time, we can plan our future actions, we can visualize alternate choices taken in the past and how our lives would be different.  We can visualize distant 3D realms in different 4D time indexes.   These extraordinary abilities are due to our consciousness existing in the 5D manyverse, and having direct access to traverse the many worlds of possibility through time and space.   They are not as real and solid as reality, where the collective consciousness collapses a composite alignment of the manyverse -- we see these many worlds of possibility more hazy, but with distinct dimensional locations and time indexes.  

4. Causality, Branching, and Relativistic Collapse
Causality and branching in the manyverse adheres to the Schrodinger equation.   In the moment of now, we experience a consensual, highly probabilistic composite image of the potential 4D timelines and 3D space configurations in the 5D Manyverse -- we experience reality, in the moment of now, as solid.  Looking forward in time, we can use the Schrodinger equation to make predictions of branching, adherent to causality and at the resolution of the Planck constant.   Branching also occurs backward in time from the moment of now, however, the probabilistic curve looking back is much more shallow, due to a collective consensual agreement of consciousness on the history of matter.   The consensual collapse / alignment of the many worlds of probability may be due to a gravity-type force, like we are familiar with where 3D matter is collapsed together over 4D time -- but at the 4D to 5D manifold of spacetime to the Many Worlds predicted by Everett's Relative State Formulation and the Schrodinger equation.  Further, this 5D manyverse may have multiple "pockets of collapse" into a solid composite reality moving through time.   ie:  there may be mutliple relativistic conscious realities occuring in the 5D many worlds block universe. 

5. Consciousness is Fluid and Overlapping, Without Arbitrary Borders
Consciousness doesn't only exist only in our brains.   It is ever present throughout our bodies, with multiple organs which have their own spheres of consciousness which overlap, each focused on specialized functions.   Our higher level "conscious id" is often our focus when considering these topics, but consciousness is much more fluid.   When we learn new skills such as shooting a basketball or playing guitar or riding a bike or driving a car, our conscious bodies and sense organs are learning and memorizing the motions (ie: Muscle Memory).  Once our body/organs/muscles have consciously mastered a skill, our higher level conscious id can go off and daydream, or focus on other topics while our conscious body parts execute tasks.  Consciousness and memory is distributed.   

In addition, beyond the various conscious spheres which work together in our bodies, or conscious sphere extends beyond our bodies, into our family members, friends and community at large.   Information is the currency of consciousness.  (Information is juxtaposed 3D states of matter in 4D time)  When we spread our information/beliefs/goals, we expand our consciousness to others.   Likewise, our own bodies/consciousness is somewhat constrained by and shared with others.   We have primary control over the motions of our bodies, but a part of our actions and thoughts and intents are due to the conscious information that we receive from others.

6. The Most Fundamental Balancing Point: Separation vs Unity
A balance between separation and unity is the most fundamental concept of of the universe, and the primary impulses of consciousness.  This balance between separation and unity can be tied to the fundamental forces (Unity: Strong Nuclear, Gravity)  (Separation: Electroweak).  The balance of Separation vs Unity is also the core concept behind Dark Energy and Dark Matter, which make up 95% of our universe.  

7. The Ongoing Pattern of Creation
Creation is the ultimate, repeating pattern of consciousness through time -- Creation can be viewed as repeating patterns of separation and reunification into new constructs.   Solar formations, and evolution of life is a result of an infinite series of creation events - separating and reunifying matter into new constructs. The evolution of advance biological systems like humans is a result of trillions of iterations of creation and material life testing, with the intent to create separate bodies of matter which exhibit larger spheres of control over the 3D environment through 4D time.




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