Dimensional Panpsychism

Exploring the meaning of dimensional panpsychism in Consciocentrism.

Panpsychism is the theory of mind that proposes that consciousness is fundamental to reality and that conscious potential exists in all matter.  It's roots date back thousands of years to the time of Thales and Plato, and it has been a philosophical point of debate for ages.  With the quantum mechanics revolution over the past 100+ years, it has reemerged as the most likely explanation of how consciousness exists.   

The Consciocentric paradigm proposes that "dimensional awareness" is key to the application of the panpsychist perspective.   The term "dimension" is often misused or misunderstood.  Bringing dimensions up in conversation can lead to some eye rolling and the impression that its going to be some sci-fi fantasy explanation, like an episode of the Twilight Zone.   Let's discuss what a dimension really is:

A dimension is a mathematical space or object coordinate system... its a degree of freedom for a point or object to exist in.  Our world and core consciousness experience is rooted in Four Dimensions (4D).  We have three dimensions of space, and a fourth dimension of time.  An interlinked "4-D Space-Time" was one of the discoveries that Einstein's Special and General Relativity brought us in the beginning of the 20th century.   The number of dimensions refers to the number of coordinates needed to specify a point location in the dimensional construct.   For instance, if you have just a single dimension (a line vector), you only need one number / index to describe the location of a point on that line.    In our everyday experiences, if you take a freeze frame in time, everything in our lives has a 3-Dimensional location in space.  We call the three dimensions of space:  left/right,  forward/backward,  and up/down.   Sometimes we refer to them as an X/Y/Z coordinate space.   But those are just the three space dimensions.   

Meeting in 4-D Spacetime
If someone tells you to "Meet me at the 86th Floor Observation Deck of the Empire State Building", that's great 3-dimensional description of a location in space to meet, but there's a final bit of information that is missing:   "What time do you want to meet there?"   That's the fourth dimension -- Time.   So to have a full 4-dimensional meeting plan, you would say "Meet me at the Empire State Building, 86th Floor Observation Deck, on Tuesday at 7:30pm"   That's a full Four Dimensional description... it describes the X/Y longitude and latitude position on the earth, the Z height axis location, and the T time index, so that two objects or people can meet up in our four dimensional reality.    That's coordinates in XYZT Spacetime.  

Our consciousness, however, has this ability to not only be present at a moment of time and space --  but we also possess this taken-for-granted ability to jump backward in time to our real or perceived memories, forward in time to visualize future paths, and sideways in time to imagine alternate realities in which different decisions and pathways had been taken.   We can visualize and create in our minds eye alternate states of our 4D reality.   We can imagine right now getting up and stretching, or drinking a sip of water, or how our day might have been different if we were on vacation at the beach.   In our conscious minds eye, we can jump to alternate points in space and time -- even ones which do not align with consensual reality of the moment of now.   

In every moment of time, all of the 3-dimensions of space exist, but objects change location.   The 4th Dimension of time gives us that degree of freedom for change.  That is one of the thermodynamic definitions for what time is:  potential for change of the 3-dimensional material space of the universe.   Whenever we dimensionally promote a space, from 1D to 2D, 2D to 3D, or 3D to 4D, we're giving all of the previous construct a degree of freedom for change / a different configuration.   Promoting 3D space into the next dimensional level (which we experience as time) allows our entire 3D construct of the universe to change its configuration in every index location of the 4th Dimension (time).

5 Dimensional Many Worlds (MWI) Consciousness
In quantum mechanics, there is this ever present uncertainty, elucidated by the Schrodinger equation.  Solid reality doesn't collapse / align until there is observation at the moment of now.   In terms of quantum foundations, the Consciocentric paradigm most closely subscribes to Hugh Everett's Relative State Formulation (aka: Many Worlds Interpretation) of what is actually going on with this quantum uncertainty --  but Consciocentrism proposes that the "Many Worlds" that are implied are not separate, distinct worlds which branch off, but rather this is just another dimensional promotion up from 4D spacetime to 5D many worlds -- and this is the realm in which our consciousness dimensionally exists -- and which allows for us to consciously jump around in time, space, and alternate realities (aka worlds) of possibility based on the collective choice/freewill of the universe.   The 5D many worlds is another degree of freedom for block space-time to have alternate possibilities / configurations.   It is the canvas for choice and consciousness, and what makes freewill and our amazing conscious capabilities to jump around in space and time in our minds eye and consider alternate choices.  

The moment of now is an aligned composite image of the 5D many verse, where the three dimensions of space, and fourth dimension of time are incredibly highly aligned, creating what appears to be a singular solid reality at the moment of now, which we collectively observe together.   But even in the moment of now, there is a slight amount of "quantum uncertainty".  ie:  we can't know the exact configuration of everything down to its Planck scale positioning and timing.     This is well supported by our foundational understanding of quantum mechanics.   

So, the term "Dimensional Panpsychism" broadly describes the theory of mind of Consciocentrism.  Consciousness is tied to dimensional awareness and an intrinsic element of reality.   

David Bohm
Physicist, Conscious Researcher, Philosopher
"I would say that in my scientific and philosophical work, my main concern has been with understanding the nature of reality in general and of consciousness in particular as a coherent whole, which is never static or complete but which is an unending process of movement and unfoldment..."
David Bohm
Physicist, Conscious Researcher, Philosopher
"There is a universal flux that cannot be defined explicitly but which can be known only implicitly, as indicated by the explicitly definable forms and shapes, some stable and some unstable, that can be abstracted from the universal flux. In this flow, mind and matter are not separate substances. Rather, they are different aspects of our whole and unbroken movement."
Michael Talbot
Conscious Researcher, Author
"Because the term hologram usually refers to an image that is static and does not convey the dynamic and ever active nature of the incalculable enfoldings and unfoldings that moment by moment create our universe, Bohm prefers to describe the universe not as a hologram, but as a "holomovement. " The existence of a deeper and holographically organized order also explains why reality becomes nonlocal at the subquantum level. As we have seen, when something is organized holographically, all semblance of location breaks down. Saying that every part of a piece of holographic film contains all the information possessed by the whole is really just another way of saying that the information is distributed nonlocally. Hence, if the universe is organized according to holographic principles, it, too, would be expected to have nonlocal properties."
Ervin Laszlo
Philosopher, Systems Theorist, Consciousness Researcher
"The quantum hologram is a nonlocal quantum information structure derived from Max Planck’s study in the late nineteenth century of the surprising radiation emitted by material substances, called “black body radiation.” For most of the twentieth century such radiation was believed to be curious random photon emissions from matter, and of minimal interest—until Schempp demonstrated that the emissions are entangled, coherent, and carry nonlocal information about the emitting object. Subsequent studies have shown such nonlocal information to be fundamental not only to our normal perceptual faculties but also that it forms the basis of intuitive-level information."
Adrian Satyam
Yogi, Author, Holistic Therapist
"It is clear that information going from one location to another can travel faster than the speed of light. In ordinary reality, that is not allowed either by Newton or Einstein. Contemporary theorists like the British physicist, David Bohm, who worked extensively with the implications of Bell's theorem, had to assume that there is an "invisible field" that holds together all reality, a field that has the property of knowing what is happening everywhere at once.  Without going deeper into these speculations, one can see that the unseen environment sounds very much like the inherent intellect of DNA, and both behave very much like the subconscious. "
Norman Friedman
Physicist, Author
"The inescapable suggestion is that reality has both local and nonlocal aspects; that there exists a more fundamental level than our macroscopic world, which corresponds to Heisenberg's potentia, Bohm's implicate order, Seth's Framework 2, and the world of light outside Plato's cave. All of these denote the timeless level of reality, the world of the wave function before collapse – the level from which, through the act of observation, our three-dimensional world is created."
Brian Greene
Physicist, Mathematician, String Theorist, Author
"... the comings and goings we observe in the three dimensions of day-to-day life might themselves be holographic projections of physical processes taking place on a distant, two-dimensional surface."
Brian Greene
Physicist, Mathematician, String Theorist, Author
"I expect that regardless of where the search for the foundations of space and time may take us, regardless of modifications to string/M-theory that may be waiting for us around the bend, holography will continue to be a guiding concept."
Brian Greene
Physicist, Mathematician, String Theorist, Author
"The ability to manipulate the environment thoughtfully provides the capacity to shift our vantage point, to hover above the timeline and contemplate what was and imagine what will be."
Brian Greene
Physicist, Mathematician, String Theorist, Author
"General relativity provides the choreography for an entwined cosmic dance of space, time, matter, and energy."
Edwin Abbott
Theologian, Dimensional Philosopher, Author
"Points, Lines, Squares, Cubes, Extra- Cubes - we are all liable to the same errors, all alike the slaves of our respective dimensional prejudices."
Sean Carroll
Physicist, Philosopher
"The idea of dimension in pop culture is sometimes misunderstood like there’s a place you can go, a mystical dimension or something like that.  To a physicist or mathematician, a dimension is just a direction."
Amit Goswami
Physicist, Author
"With nonlocal connection, we are forced to conceptualize a domain of reality outside space-time because a nonlocal connection cannot happen in space-time."
Carlo Rovelli
Theoretical Physicist
"For a hypothetically supersensible being, there would be no “flowing” of time: the universe would be a single block of past, present, and future."
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