Dimensional Relativity and the Measure of Consciousness

The Proposition of a New Type of Relativity

In the ConscioCentric paradigm, it is proposed that consciousness is intrinsic to matter and reality itself.   Every bit of matter and energy in the universe is connected on the spectrum of the collective conscience.   

Yet, clearly, consciousness does not exist "at the same levels" in all matter.   

An electron is not equal to a hydrogen atom,

An atom is not equal to a molecule,   

A molecule is not equal to a rock,

A rock is not equal to a plant,

A plant not equal to an ant,

An ant is not equal to an ape.

An ape is not equal to a human.   

In ConscioCentrism, the level of consciousness is related to the "dimensional awareness" of the being, and the "effective material scope" of that being.   Reality, as we know it, consists of three dimensions that we call SPACE (ie: width, height, depth), plus a fourth dimension that we experience as TIME, and a fifth dimension which allows for choice / collective freewill - which is sometimes called the MULTIVERSE or MANY WORLDS theory.    Reality, or the concept of "The Now", is a 3D snapshot of all the matter in the universe, taken from a moment in the 4D timeline and probabilistic series of events from a 5-Dimensional Multiverse of possibilities.

Consciousness has driven forward this construct of reality from the singularity of the Big Bang.   The human vessel is one that consciousness has evolved through zillions of iterations of creation / evolution -- we now have extraordinary sensory abilities to perceive the three dimensions of space, and an acute awareness of a directional 4D timeline, and concept of 5D freewill.   Our consciousness can travel back in time to memories, forward in time for visualization, and sideways through time to consider various other choices and decision paths.   Our consciousness exists in 5-Dimensions, usually focused on the concept of the "Moment of the 3D Now", the near history or the near future.    The solidity of the 3D Now of reality is merely an extremely high probability composite of the belief of the collective conscience of the 5D possible configuration of the universe.  

Dimensional Awareness
To return to the idea of not all consciousness being equal, ConscioCentrism proposes that some 3D matter, while still participating in the same spectrum of consciousness as humans, may just have less dimensional awareness and less effective material scope of control.   

A 3D Rock
A rock has no perception at all of the 5th dimension of freewill.   A rock may have the most limited consciousness of the 4th dimension.  It may just have a sense of its history and formation that lead to its current bonds and material form, while having no ability to see forward along a 4D timeline.    A rock has a limited perception of the 3rd dimension - since it exists in three dimensions and participates in the conscious force of gravity, it has a basic sense of atomic touch, and it connects and bonds with other matter using the strong nuclear force.    For this "3D Conscious Rock", we would say it has a Limited Dimensional Awareness, and minimal to no effective control over other 3D matter in its environment.    It's level of consciousness is clearly inferior, yet it still participates in the same spectrum of consciousness - as matter and consciousness are inseparable and connected at a fundamental level. 

An Ant
For a creature like an ant, there is expanded dimensional awareness from that of a rock.  An ant has a more acute perception of the 3rd dimension, as it has sensors (sight, smell, advanced touch), and actuators (mandibles, legs/arms).   It can interact with its environment in advanced manners, foraging food, attacking prey, defending against predators, and manipulating its environment.    An ant has perception of the 4th dimension of time, as it has the ability to make significant change to the 3d environment.   An ant (or its collective colony) may even high a very low level perception of the 5th dimension of freewill / choice, although, that is debatable.

A Human
A human being has an acute sense of the 3-Dimensions of space, and how the configuration of 3D space changes over 4D time.   In addition, human consciousness is acutely aware of the 5-Dimensional concept of freewill / choice / the Multiverse.    Our consciousness is primarily focused directing our existence at a very high level, planning out actions in the future, and considering multiple different paths / choices that could branch off into different futures.   This 5-Dimensional consciousness is what we think of modern consciousness, and it controls over our bodily organs, sending conceptual commands to the brain, heart, lungs, muscles and other sections of the body.   Each of our organs in our body runs a sort of sub-routine of consciousness, all working together like a well tuned machine.   We send conscious signals to the brain which acts as a central processing unit - a sort of transceiver - and our thought of "danger/run" is interpreted by the brain which sends signals through the human vessel to change the anatomy of the human body.  Our nervous system and circulatory system rapidly respond, making available additional 3D matter in our blood stream and muscles, which the legs can use to generate more energy and motion.  And our high level thought to "run" creates this coordination between all systems and sub conscious realms of our body.    

Dimensional Relativity
Above, we're looking at examples of different 3-Dimensional constructs of matter and how they may perceive the dimensions at their level or above the 3rd dimension.   The ConscioCentric Paradigm takes this idea further, and states that Consciousness exists for 2-Dimensional "beings", 1-Dimensional "beings", or even 0-Dimensional "beings"   Using the word "being" here is somewhat of a semantic trap, as our entire language is developed to describe 3D material matter through 4D time.    But by doing some thought experiments in the idea of Dimensional promotion and dimensional perception, we can explore how consciousness can actually exists within the lower three dimensions that we collectively call SPACE.    

If you take the example of a theoretical 0-Dimensional being.   There is only two poles / two opposite states within a 0-Dimensional construct.   Either the point is ON or it is OFF, with the possibility that is has analog values in between.    Let's imagine that this zero dimensional point is in a state of being ON - unfolded into reality from the field of consciousness.    Since we're constraining this 0-Point being to a zero dimensional space, it is always ON, with no change.   It has no dimension to allow for change.   

Now, if we dimensionally promote the space that the 0-Point exists in, and create a 1-Dimensional Line, the 0-Point now has the possibility of change.    We can imagine that to this supposed 0-Point being, it experiences the 1-Dimensional Line as TIME.    (We as humans might just consider this as one of our spatial dimensions - width for example - but to the 0-Point conscious being, the 1st Dimension is it's TIMELINE, and it allows the zero point to tell a story now... to experience change over time.  Now the 0-Point being can enfold and unfold between ON and OFF states.    

We can do further thought experiments with dimensional promotion like this, for each potential dimensional level beneath us, and looking at it from the point of view upward and downward.   The concept is that consciousness is directly tied to dimensional awareness, and there is a relativity to how the dimensions are experienced.   What we see as a 3-Dimensional rock, may be a universe of 2D material to lower level of consciousness, which uses the 3rd dimension as its "TIME"... all while we see the first three dimensions as SPACE.

Dimensional Promotion
Understanding the idea of dimensional promotion is key into understanding consciousness, time, and freewill.   Whenever we take a given set of dimensions and "promote them" into the next dimension up, we're taking everything from the previous dimensions and creating a new line of infinite possibilities for the configuration of those previous dimensions.... Or at least a line of Entropy or Order from a given starting point.   When we take the entire 3D universe, and dimensionally promote it into a 4D timeline, we're creating an infinite collection of possibilities for the entire 3D universe configuration to be stored in.   Further, the concept of the 5D multiverse is taking the entire 4D space-time continuum of progressive configurations of the universe, and infinitely multiplexing those potential timelines out, given freewill / choice of the collective conscience.   

Edwin Abbott
Theologian, Dimensional Philosopher, Author
"Points, Lines, Squares, Cubes, Extra- Cubes - we are all liable to the same errors, all alike the slaves of our respective dimensional prejudices."
Sean Carroll
Physicist, Philosopher
"The idea of dimension in pop culture is sometimes misunderstood like there’s a place you can go, a mystical dimension or something like that.  To a physicist or mathematician, a dimension is just a direction."
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