Mind Over Matter

Exploring the power and limitations of consciousness

There are many new age books, self help books and metaphysical models that encourage positive thinking and proclaim the power of positive thought.  Here is the Consciocentric interpretation of this topic.

Evidence of Mind Over Matter in Human Physiology
Firstly, there is incontrovertible evidence, both scientifically and observably through personal testing, that proves the conscious mind has certain powers over matter.   If you're walking down a dark street at night, you may feel fear or anxiousness, which is a controllable state of mind.   This state of mind is entirely dependent on your personality, your experiences and beliefs, and your history.   But as soon as you feel that sense of fear, the processes of your consciousness set off a chain reaction of neurological processing in your Amygdala and Hypothalamus, causing rapid changes to the very physiological matter of your body...  From the atomic to molecular level -  adrenaline and cortisol are suddenly and rapidly produced by reconfiguring carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen atoms in your body.     

Likewise, being in a state of happiness, surprise, nervousness, stress, or any other number of controllable emotions, cause different material processes to unfold in your body.   We can say, incontrovertibly, that "mind-over-matter" does exist in this context.   Our state of mind, which can be trained through mental exercises, mediation, and the acquisition of knowledge, has a direct correlation between the configuration of matter within our bodies.   Consciousness can control matter in that aspect.

Erwin Schrodinger
Physicist, Quantum Mechanics Pioneer
"(1) My body functions as a pure mechanism according to Laws of Nature; and (2) Yet I know, by incontrovertible direct experience, that I am directing its motions, of which I foresee the effects, that may be fateful and all-important...  The only possible inference from these two facts is...  that I, in the widest meaning of the word, that is to say, every conscious mind that has ever said or felt 'I' – am the person, if any, who controls the 'motion of the atoms' according to the Laws of Nature."

Mind Over Matter Implications of Quantum Mechanics
Taking this exploration a bit further, we find that the implications of quantum mechanics tell us that "an observer" has an effect on the wave collapse function and the very existence of matter, at a very fundamental level.   We'll explore the topic of quantum wave collapse in much more detail in other sections of this site, but the key concept is that matter, on a fundamental level, is unfolded from the quantum field of possibilities that the entire universe is imbued with.   Without the presence of "an observer", the specific state of matter is only probabilistically existent.   

Werner Heisenberg
Physicist, Quantum Mechanics Pioneer
"Science no longer is in the position of observer of nature, but rather recognizes itself as part of the interplay between man and nature. The scientific method ... changes and transforms its object: the procedure can no longer keep its distance from the object."

Now, to tackle the elephant in the room - what exactly is "an observer".  This is a hotly debated issue among quantum physicists.   Some take the view that an observer is a living being, like a human or animal, or possibly plant.    Others say the observer effect occurs with any "macro object" in the universe... ie: any unfolded 3D matter that is known to exist.    Consciocentrism states that both of these interpretations are correct, in that any macro object that is known to be in a certain physical state causes the wave collapse - but Consciocentrism also posits that every bit of matter, from the most fundamental particles up, are part of the same continuum of consciousness that complex organisms like plants, animals and humans participate in.    The difference just comes down to the level of consciousness and dimensional awareness of the conscious sphere.   

Brian Greene
Physicist, Mathematician, String Theorist, Author
"As we have seen, humans prevailed in no small part because our species has the capacity to pool brain and brawn, to live and work in groups, to divvy up responsibilities and effectively meet the needs of the collective. The greater social cohesion of those in a religiously bound group would have made them a more formidable force in the ancestral world, and according to this line of argument, securing an adaptive role for religious affiliation."
Until the End of Time

Further, Consciocentrism proposes a that consciousness of a human does not end at the outer bounds of our body and skin surface, but our consciousness actually extends into everything and everyone who we interact with.   The act of congregating with friends and family extends our consciousness into their spheres of consciousness, and our collection of material possessions in our control, like housing, furniture, tools and other belongings, are literally an extended boundary of our conscious control.    We have limited control over our friends and family, based on our conscious presence and history, but it should not be understated, that we both limit, and extend the conscious capabilities of everyone we surround ourselves with.   And our possessions that are under our control are a very real extension of our conscious control over the material world.   Our own bodies are unique in their evolved physiology and capabilities, but the mere possession of property is an extension of our control over the matter of the universe.   When we place a hammer on a table, we have left a part of our consciousness in a specific 3-Dimensional location in the universe.   This hammer is a fully unfolded macro object in terms of quantum wave collapse or many world's pathways, and its interaction with probabilistic quantum field will resolve *at least some* of the relative probability of a given wave collapse scenario.   Once we return to our hammer at a later time, the wave collapse probabilities may completely collapse into the very solid "moment of now".

So, where does this leave us in terms of the power of mind or consciousness, over the very material configuration of the universe.   Let's take an extreme example first.   Imagine a person truly believes with every essence of their consciousness, that they can fly like Superman.   Can the mind alter reality so much as to allow this believer to really fly?   All signs point to no.   Why, though?   The reason is that, as Consciocentrism posits, we live in a collaborative/consensual reality, that collapses to a solid composite in the moment of now.   

In contract to solipsistic viewpoints where a single person is the center of their own universe and has potentially unlimited control over matter,  Consciocentrism recognizes all matter participating in the same spectrum of consciousness, and some matter, like complex evolved material bodies, have a very high level of control over matter and a reach that extends far beyond their own bodies.   Politicians, activists, musicians, and other famous people have an extended reach - one that may extend far across the globe, with literal, physical matter effects, and/or conscious presence in the lives of millions to billions of other people.   Communications and information is transmitted from the conscious individual, and can have monumental effects on the configuration of matter on our planet, and the lives and health of millions, or billions of other conscious souls. 

So, back to the flying believer postulate - the reason why this true believer can't fly is that the collective consciousness of matter does not "believe" that this person can fly.   At a fundamental level, the collective consciousness "believes in" the fundamental forces of strong nuclear, electroweak, and gravity... that is at the core of consensual belief.   These core forces have their roots in the topic of separation versus unity which is a vital topic of importance in ConscioCentrism - Separation and Unity are discussed in much more detail in other areas of this site.  

There is far too much belief against Superman flight powers, from the core collective conscience of matter, and the evolved bodies witnessing and affected by such potential events.   To oppose the collective collective will of gravity is too much for any individual to overcome.   On a cosmic scale, it may be possible though.   The topics of anti-gravity and dark energy leave open the possibility that even the fundamental forces may be overcome.   Dark energy and cosmological inflation is something that physicists have measured, but we don't yet have answers for how, or why this negative pressure exists. 

It is interesting to note that there may be some mind-over-matter examples where a believer (or group of believers) can do miraculous things though.   In all religions, and many other historical texts, there are stories of miraculous acts of healing and other amazing feats.   Since humans are electro chemical factories, there is the possibility that individual beliefs over health may affect outcomes of sick patients, and even that group belief, along with the individual, may help with outcomes.   There have been numerous scientific studies that have shown that this is likely.   But don't ignore western medicine, as we have consciously developed tools and medicines to greatly expand the human capability to recover.  

Max Planck
Physicist, Father of Quantum Theory
"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter."
James Clerk Maxwell
Scientist, Mathematical Physicist
"The only laws of matter are those that our minds must fabricate and the only laws of mind are fabricated for it by matter."
Werner Heisenberg
Physicist, Quantum Mechanics Pioneer
"The very act of observing disturbs the system."
Werner Heisenberg
Physicist, Quantum Mechanics Pioneer
"Science no longer is in the position of observer of nature, but rather recognizes itself as part of the interplay between man and nature. The scientific method ... changes and transforms its object: the procedure can no longer keep its distance from the object."
Wolfgang Pauli
"What really matters for me is ... the more active role of the observer in quantum physics ... According to quantum physics the observer has indeed a new relation to the physical events around him in comparison with the classical observer, who is merely a spectator."
Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Dalai Lama, Spiritual Teacher
"The mind is definitely something that can be transformed, and meditation is a means to transform it."

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