Organ Consciousness

A scientifically testable prediction for the fluidity of consciousness, and the combination problem

Consciocentrism proposes that consciousness is an intrinsic and a fundamental property of all 3D matter.  If this is true, then the biggest problem, or criticism with it, is the "combination problem", which basically says:

How does consciousness of elementary particles, to elements, to molecules, to proteins, to cells, to organs, to complex life combine together to create what we think of as "ourselves".    

This is an interesting topic - I would say that we have been conditioned to think in rigid terms that we're these singular, discreet conscious beings with a hard boundary of consciousness that originates only in the brain. Under Consciocentrism, our "personal consciousness" is actually many spheres of consciousness related to our organs, muscle groups, and other specialized bodily functions.

Consciousness is a fluid thing, where we can focus on high level tasks like contemplating the past, the future and various choices of freewill for the whole system of our body, or we can focus in on specific regions of consciousness / organ groups in our bodily systems. ie: When we learn to play guitar, our consciousness is tightly focused on a window of time around "the now / near future" and controlling the muscle groups in the hands and arms. We directly control the muscles of our hands and teach them - literally giving our hands "muscle memory" as we learn. As we become adept guitarists, the localized "spheres of consciousness" associated with the muscle groups in our hands and arms can perform this amazing task of timed coordination, playing music, with minimal to no higher level conscious focus. We can tune out, or think about high level concepts like transitions of song parts, key signature changes, or emotions, and our hands, with their "conscious muscle memory" execute all the complex motions like subroutines of a program. We have many spheres of consciousness in our bodies that we can focus in on, or we can leave them operating as part of the whole. Our bodies are a sort of ecosystem of consciousness, working together to allow advanced interaction with and control over our 3D material environment.

Consciousness, in this paradigm is directly present throughout our bodies, and not centralized in the brain. The brain is a high level transceiver that allows the body to control chemical production, and send matter, hormones and chemical energy to different areas of the body. The brain is a major organ of consciousness, and the central receiving unit for most of our senses, but not the only organ that is directly accessible by consciousness.

Further, the Consciocentric paradigm would state that as we pick up the guitar and obtain control over its 3D matter, our consciousness actually extends over the guitar itself. The phrase "it becomes an extension of the body" is literally true. Everything we own is part of our sphere of consciousness. As we manipulate matter, our conscious control literally extends to the object. And when we interact with other people, we participate in a sort of shared consciousness with them.

Scientifically Testable
I think there may be a way that we could scientifically test this hypothesis of consciousness directly existing in muscle groups, by monitoring, via MRI or other tools if there is a difference in patterns in brain activity when learning to play guitar, through becoming journeymen, through becoming a master of the instrument. If its true, then the patterns in the brain would change significantly at different skill levels, even if playing the exact same riff/pattern... as we progress to a master level, and "muscle memory" takes over the process, our brains should exhibit a completely different (and less intense) pattern of neuron firing - despite the fact that the exact same motions and coordination would be required to play the exact same riff.   

At this point, the brain would have minimal conscious activity, and the "consciousness of the hand and arm muscles and tendons" would directly execute the orchestration of movements and timing.   The arm and hand muscles literally would have learned the techniques and patterns and have a localized sort of "muscle memory" in a very literal sense.   

If a technology exists that could monitor the muscle groups of the hands while playing via some sort of detailed MRI like instrument, we should be able to monitor the millions of neurons in our hands and arms, and test the hypothesis.


Scientific Study of Distributed Consciousness in Octopus Arms - American Geophysical Union (AGU)

Cephalopods, like the octopus, evolved multiple concentrations of neurons called ganglia, arranged in a distributed network throughout the body. Some of these ganglia grew more dominant, evolving into a brain, but the underlying distributed architecture persists in the octopus’s arms, and throughout its body.

Of the octopus’ 500 million neurons, more than 350 million are in its eight arms. The arms need all that processing power to manage incoming sensory information, to move and to keep track of their position in space. Processing information in the arms allows the octopus to think and react faster, like parallel processors in computers.

Rather than a centralized nervous system such as vertebrates have, two-thirds of an octopus's neurons are spread throughout its body, distributed between its arms. And now scientists have determined that those neurons can make decisions without input from the brain.


Neuron Regeneration in the Brain and Other Body Parts 

By the time we turn fifty, humans will replace all the neurons they were born with in the hippocampus of the brain - one of the key centers of processing in our brains.    Every day, our bodies replace and create new neurons throughout the body.

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