Primal Human Urges and Needs
Exploring the Most Fundamental Life Urges
The most primal conscious urges are to combine, survive, control, connect and to create. This Hierarchy of Needs is inspired by Maslow's Hierarchy, but expanded upon and refined to suit the Consciocentric Paradigm, and the idea that consciousness is fundamental to matter.
Molecular Combination: The primal, most fundamental need of consciousness is atomic combination, expressed by the primary forces of gravity, electro-magnetism and the strong nuclear force. Atomic elements combine to create more complex, united structures known as molecules, and then into complex combinations like proteins and organisms.
Survival: Once molecules have combined into complex molecular organs of life, the next need is for the organ to survive. In more advanced conscious life constructs, multiple specialized organs work together in symbiosis. For human organ structures to survive, this requires food, water, air and energy from the sun. Our advanced human vessels require a complex mix of matter and energy to keep our biological systems running.
Control: Control over matter, our environment, and others is a primal conscious desire. We strive to have shelter, which is control over a material environment. Our shelter is literally an extension of our consciousness. We build it (or buy it), and it is ours. We control it, and the possessions inside of it. In addition to controlling our material 3D environments, we strive to exhibit some control over other conscious beings.
Connection: Connection is directly related to control, but not focused on dominant material possession. Rather, it is focused on the conscious desire to connect with others - with family, friends, societal groups, internet chat, pets, or other beings. Without connection, we live lonely lives without meaning. Some of the most wealthy and famous people in the world may exhibit a great amount of control (as defined above), but without true connection, which leaves them lonely and without meaning.
Creation: Creation is the underlying goal that we strive for in the "game of consciousness". We travel forward through 4D time and 5D consensual choice, altering our 3D material environment. Since the Big Bang through formation of solar systems, through planetary evolution, the evolution of life, the creation of tools, and our modern society, the "Act of Creation" is the one constant. Consciousness takes separate elements and unifies them into something new with greater meaning and value than the sum of the parts.
Perhaps the strongest conscious (and sub-conscious) urge that we feel during our lifetimes is the urge to procreate. This urge is consciousness striving to separate (sperm, egg) and reunite together to create the vessel for another generation in the game of consciousness.
The American psychologist, Abraham Maslow, created a similar "hierarchy of needs". In Maslow's Hierarchy, there is Physiological Needs (Survival), Safety Needs (Survival and Control), Love/Belonging Needs (Connection), Esteem and Self Actualization Needs (Creation, Individuality). Later in his life, Maslow played with the idea of transcendence as a further dimension of the hierarchy.
Transcendence / Dimensional Awareness :
Beyond the basic needs of humans outlined above, there is another, more lofty goal that ConscioCentrism posits as a higher level trajectory. ConscioCentrism states consciousness is a field that the dimensions rise out of - a foundation for their existence, rather than something that arbitrarily arises at some point in biological life. In the ConscioCentric paradigm, consciousness can be viewed in the collective, across all 3D Matter, 4D Time and 5D Choice / Freewill of the collective. But it can also be found in pockets in every bit of matter and energy in the universe. These pockets of individual consciousness can be categorized based on their awareness of dimensions, and the expanse of their pocket of control.
The current human species is very aware of the 3-Dimensional material world, and the idea of 4D time moving forward as an infinite series of states of the 3D Now Moment. We have a strong awareness at a high level of 4 Dimensions. The 5th Dimension, in the ConscioCentric paradigm is the dimension that allows Choice/Freewill of individual and the collective, to shape a probabilistic reality of the 3D Now moving forward through time. The 5th dimension is sometimes called "The Many World's Theory" or "The Manyverse" by scientists and philosophers. At a high level / transcendent level, we human beings participate in the knowledge of this 5-Dimensional reality. The very act of memory, foresight, and visualization of other potential versions of reality had different choices been made, is a window into this 5D nature of reality.
At the forefront of quantum physics, we're finding out that matter, at its most fundamental level, has a degree of uncertainty to it, that only collapses into solid 3D reality when a conscious being observes it. This uncertainty to 3D matter, and its positional probability at a given time in the 4D timeline, is evidence of a 5th dimension - the Manyverse - in which an infinite series of 4D Spacetimes may exist.
The ConscioCentric paradigm posits that this uncertainty and probabilistic nature of reality is due to the will of the collective conscience of all matter through time, and the choices that are made that may branch to other versions of the Manyverse. Where things get really interesting is that we can jump into and traverse the manyverse with our conscious minds, but what we experience as solid, as the 3D Now, is just a very high probabilistic snapshot of reality based on the collective belief of series of events and states of matter. However, the solid 3D Now may not be 100.00% solid. It may only be 99.97% solid, based on some of the collective focusing on other versions of the manyverse. Historic events, and future events quickly diverge away from the solidity of the 3D now, and become much more probabilistic, depending on the collective memory and written history of the past, and the collective projection and visualization of the future.