Spheres of Consciousness in the Body

Evolution and Organ Specialization

The experience of "individual consciousness" is a fluid one that can transition between broad awareness of space and cosmological time, down to micro control of bodily functions.    In the ConscioCentric paradigm, its useful to think of "our individual consciousness" as not just a singular construct, but a combination of spheres of consciousness that all interact within our body for a common goal to increase our control and interaction with the 3D material world and other bodies of consciousness.     

The evolution of life is a story of trillions of iterations of separation and unification of matter into new forms.   Early on, consciousness recognized that specialization of certain pockets of matter could produce certain effects, and when multiple specialized forms work together in a unified form, they can achieve more control and interaction with the material world.    The evolution of cellular structure (nucleus, cytoplasm, membrane, etc) was the first specialized life, but over trillions of cycles of experimentation and evolution, organs were developed which allow complex life.   The heart, the lungs, the stomach, the muscle groups, and the brain are all evolved organs that have evolved to perform specialized functions.   

Neurons Distributed Throughout the Body

One fact that is often glossed over is that the human body has neurons spread all throughout the body, not just in the brain.   Even in tiny hand muscles, its estimated that 200,000 neurons drive the action.   Throughout our bodies, we have neurons distributed through every organ and muscle group - Consciocentrism states that each of our organs and muscle groups have a sphere of consciousness that is associated with them, within the larger umbrella of conscience which we call ourselves.   We may call these pockets of lower level consciousness a sort of "sub conscience".    Through meditation, or the usage of some psychedelic drugs, it is easy to focus in on these smaller pockets of consciousness within our larger framework, and take a step back from the higher level time/choice consciousness that usually consumes our focus.   

The ConscioCentric paradigm says that consciousness directly interacts with each portion of our body though.   When we learn to play guitar or piano, our consciousness is directly accessing the muscles of the hands and arms to control their movements.   Our brain is involved as well, but is not the originator for all action.   The brain is more accurately, a complex transceiver for higher level consciousness, which acts as the bodies nervous center control center.   When we need more energy/matter directed to our hands or arms, the brain receives the signal and tells the cardiovascular system and nervous system to work together to provide more blood and more oxygen to certain areas of the body.   But our consciousness directly interacts with the muscle groups in our arms and hands.

After we have spent a sufficient amount of time learning to play the guitar or piano, the "local consciousness pockets" in our hands literally remember the processes - we call this "muscle memory", and in ConscioCentrism, that is literally what it is - conscious memory stored within the matter of our hands.    We become adept at playing, and then can play music with almost no conscious focus on it.   Our higher level consciousness can be focused on higher level conceptual ideas like the emotions of music, or complex mathematical and temporal changes to the notes played or key signatures, and those high level conscious ideas interact with the local consciousness of our hands - working together to play music in real time.   Alternatively, our higher level consciousness can be thinking about burritos or something completely unrelated, but the local pockets of consciousness in our arms and hands have learned the skills, and can continue playing independent of whats going on in the other spheres of our consciousness. 

We have other sayings like "my stomach has a mind of its own", which are literally true under the ConscioCentric paradigm.   Our "conscious individual whole" is the sum of many pockets of consciousness within our bodies.   We have evolved over time with specialization of multiple organs that work together, allowing our higher level consciousness to stay focused on big picture items, like envisioning time and freewill, and how we will coordinate all of our conscious parts to achieve high level goals of increasing our control over the material world, and interacting with other conscious beings.   


Scientific Study of Distributed Consciousness in Octopus Arms - American Geophysical Union (AGU)


Cephalopods, like the octopus, evolved multiple concentrations of neurons called ganglia, arranged in a distributed network throughout the body. Some of these ganglia grew more dominant, evolving into a brain, but the underlying distributed architecture persists in the octopus’s arms, and throughout its body.

Of the octopus’ 500 million neurons, more than 350 million are in its eight arms. The arms need all that processing power to manage incoming sensory information, to move and to keep track of their position in space. Processing information in the arms allows the octopus to think and react faster, like parallel processors in computers.

Rather than a centralized nervous system such as vertebrates have, two-thirds of an octopus's neurons are spread throughout its body, distributed between its arms. And now scientists have determined that those neurons can make decisions without input from the brain.

Carlo Rovelli
Theoretical Physicist
"Our “present” does not extend throughout the universe. It is like a bubble around us."
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