The Brain is a Masterpiece of Conscious Design

Examining the monumental designs of consciousness.

ConscioCentrism states that consciousness is fundamental to, and intrinsic to matter itself.   Consciousness is ever present in the 3-Dimensional material universe, and its evolution over 4D time.    All the way down to a single particle, consciousness is present.   At the lowest levels, the force of Electromagnetism is the primary sense of touch that all consciousness participates in.   

Electromagnetism Gives Us Our Sense of 3D Matter and Environment
This electromagnetism force is the same that we use when we touch our fingers against a screen or keybaord.  We feel the EM charge interactions between the particles in our skin, coming into contact with other particles.    All human senses use Electromagnetism - Smell and taste are the result of molecules coming into contact with receptors in our nose and mouth, being electromagnetically sensed or bonded at the atomic level.   Our sense of hearing is a result of the vibrating patterns of molecules of air coming into electromagnetic contact with the particles in our ear drums.   And our sense of sight is the results of photons electromagnetically vibrating against the rods and cones in our eyes.   

Conscious Design of Advanced Sense Organs and the Brain
The goal of consciousness is to exert more control and interaction in our local 3D environmental pockets and environment, with the ability for increased agility for change over short periods of time.   The development of specialized organs that work together is an amazing feat of consciousness to develop better sense of the 3D environment and better actuation options for altering the environment.   Our eyes, ears, noses, tongues and skin all have been evolved over trillions and trillions of cycles of evolution, in order to better sense the environment, and provide realtime analysis of ourselves and our surroundings, allowing us to exert more control, beyond our bodies.   All of these senses convert electromagnetic information -- The advanced organs create a massive amount of information, and the brains role is to be pattern decoding machine, turning a continuous stream of light photons and molecule interactions into encoded 3D information of our environment.  

Consciousness in the 5D Many Worlds Canvas
Consciousness exists in the 5-Dimensional canvas of Everett's Relative State Formulation of Quantum Mechanics -- This interpretation of the Schrodinger Equation, and the probabilistic nature of matter, is the most holistic and consistent reading of what the equation tells us.   Consciocentrism states that this is the very realm of consciousness.  We constantly traverse the medium through memories, foresight, and alternate path consideration.  This is the medium of consciousness.   Our conscious goal is to control the configuration of 3D matter (our bodies and environment), through 4D time, and the 5D possibilities of choice (aka The Many Worlds of Everett's Quantum Interpretation)   

An Advanced Transceiver for Consciousness
The brain is a masterpiece -- billions of years in the making.   It allows our consciousness, in the localized pockets of the 3D environment (our bodies), to visualize the 3D environment with extreme detail, at a high rate.   All this vibrational, electromagnetic information is processed by our brains and transmitted to our conscious realm.   Our consciousness, then transmits back to the brain information on our choices and will.  The brain, and other organs in our body receive the information from our consciousness and execute rapid production of molecules and changes to our bodies in order to respond to our environment and enact changes and control. 

Stuart Hameroff
Anesthesiologist and Consciousness Philosopher
"Most scientists can’t explain consciousness in the brain, so they can’t say that consciousness out of the brain is impossible."
Larry Dossey
Physician, Author
"Minds, rather, are nonlocal with respect to space and time. This means that the separateness of minds is an illusion, because individual minds cannot be put in a box (or brain) and walled off from one another."
David Chalmers
Philosopher and Cognitive Scientist
"Why should there be conscious experience at all? It is central to a subjective viewpoint, but from an objective viewpoint it is utterly unexpected. Taking the objective view, we can tell a story about how fields, waves, and particles in the spatiotemporal manifold interact in subtle ways, leading to the development of complex systems such as brains. In principle, there is no deep philosophical mystery in the fact that these systems can process information in complex ways, react to stimuli with sophisticated behavior, and even exhibit such complex capacities as learning, memory, and language. All this is impressive, but it is not metaphysically baffling. In contrast, the existence of conscious experience seems to be a new feature from this viewpoint. It is not something that one would have predicted from the other features alone. That is, consciousness is surprising. "
Francis David Peat
"According to Bohm, the ground of the cosmos is not elementary particles but pure process, a flowing movement of the whole. Within this implicate order, Bohm believed, one could resolve the Cartesian split between mind and matter, or between brain and consciousness."
Francis David Peat
"If you happen to hold that human consciousness is no more than the epiphenomenon, or secretion, of our individual brains then you are more or less trapped in your own skull. But if consciousness is open, if it can partake in a more global form of being, if it can merge with the natural world and with other beings, then, indeed, it may be possible to drop, for a time, the constraints of one's personal worldview and see reality through the eyes of others."
Brian Greene
Physicist, Mathematician, String Theorist, Author
"Whereas Bohr and the Copenhagen gang would argue that only one of these universes would exist (because the act of measurement, which they claim lies outside of Schrodinger's purview, would collapse away all the others), and whereas a first-pass attempt to go beyond Bohr and extend Schrodinger's math to all particles, including those constituting equipment and brains, yielded dizzying confusion (because a given machine or mind seemed to internalize all possible outcomes simultaneously), Everett found that a more careful reading of Schrodinger's math leads somewhere else: to a plentiful reality populated by an ever-growing collection of universes."
Sean Carroll
Physicist, Philosopher
"If you believe that the atoms that are inside your brain and your body act differently because they are in a living person than if they were in a rock or a crystal, then what you're saying is that the laws of physics are wrong."
Carlo Rovelli
Theoretical Physicist
"But the effective way of continuing to exist in a changing environment is to better manage correlations with the external world, that is to say, information: to collect, store, transmit, and elaborate information. For this reason DNA exists, together with immune systems, sense organs, nervous systems, complex brains, languages, books, the library of Alexandria, computers and Wikipedia: they maximize the efficiency of information management. The management of correlations favoring survival."

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