The Brain is a Transceiver

Investigating the role of the Human Brain and neurons

The Dogmatic Reductionist View
In reductionist/materialistic definitions of mind, consciousness is something that arises out of the matter of the brain at some arbitrary moment in the lifespan of a being, and some arbitrary moment in the evolutionary timeline of the species.    This materialistic approach says that a combination of chemical reactions and electrical activity in the brain somehow  "magically creates" what we know to be consciousness.   This view, that consciousness only appears due to chemical or electrical signals in the brain, does not explain the depth of conscious ability.

In addition to the arbitrary, undefined threshold for when or how humans achieve consciousness, the reductionist/materialist viewpoint comes into more troubles when defining which, if any animals, plants, or microbiological entities experience qualia / subjective identity.   Further, even with defining consciousness based only on mechanistic analysis of sensory and actuation capabilities, the materialist approach does not address the "Hard Problem of Consciousness", as philosopher David Chalmers has put it - why and how does experience and the subjective id exist. 

The ConscioCentric View of the Brain
Consciousness is not "transmitted out" of the brain due to electrical or chemical processes.   Rather, the brain is a highly evolved vessel for higher consciousness, that acts as a two-way transceiver - allowing consciousness to receive sense data from the organs of the body, and coordinate the interaction of other organs with efficiency.    The brain is an advanced chemical and electrical processing hub that consciousness uses to alter the material construct of our bodies in real time - triggering our molecular factories and conducting a flow of material resources among our organs.   

The human body, in its evolved form over billions of iterations, is actually multiple "spheres of consciousness" working together to expand the control over more matter in the environment, and expand the connection of the consciousness to other beings.    Every cell and bit of matter in our bodies is connected to the field of consciousness.  We have neurons throughout our body, in every organ and muscle group.   The phrases, "muscle memory", or "stomach has a mind of its own", literally are correct in that each organ of our bodies exhibits a sort of local conscious control over its functionality.   Our heart and cardiovascular system runs with its own consciousness - a semi autonomous, independent consciousness, working together with the other specialized and evolved organs of the body, all with one higher goal in mind:  To expand the control of the conscious sphere over more matter, and expand the reach of the local consciousness to connect with other beings. 

The brain is a masterpiece of conscious design - over billions of iterations of creation and evolution.  The brain is our consciousness' greatest construct, and maximizes our conscious control sphere by acting as an electrical/chemical processing centerpiece for our multiple system conscious vessels. 

The underlying idea of the chakras, which has been around for 3000+ years, seems to point to a similar idea.   Human consciousness is actually multiple different "spheres of consciousness" all working together in specialized roles in the human body.   Through trillions of iterations of evolution, the goal of consciousness has been to create - to divide and unify matter into new forms over and over - with the goal of increasing the local conscious control over larger portions of the 3D material environment, and expand the connection and reach to other beings of consciousness.   

What many people think of as human consciousness is the "third eye" type consciousness in the Chakra system - the awareness chakra which focuses on more macro ideas than all of the lower level human bodily functions.   It's the guiding level of consciousness that considers the 4D timeline and 5D freewill possibilities, and guides the sub-conscious spheres of the body (the organs) to achieve the higher level goals.   

Evolution of Specialized Spheres of Consciousness
To achieve higher levels of control of the 3D environment, specialization of physiology is required.   The RNA of conscious construction leads to proteins and the creation of a single cell, which is divides matter into specialized organelles which can work together to increase control.   The cytoplasm, nucleus, mitochondria, cellular wall, flagella are all specialize constructs of consciousness, that unify and work together to increase the sphere of control of consciousness over more 3D matter.   Over trillions of iterations of evolution, single cell organisms evolve through endless branches of multicellular designs, and eventually to complex creatures with highly specialized organs that can consume and interact with the 3D environment in increasingly complex ways.  

In the ConscioCentric paradigm, consciousness is the foundation for all matter.   It is intrinsic to matter, and inseparable from matter.   



Michael Levin
Biophysicist, Biology Professor, Tufts Director
"The idea that cognition just magically shows up at some biological step, and then humans gain a true self... that runs against everything we know about evolution and developmental biology."
Michael Levin
Biophysicist, Biology Professor, Tufts Director
"We've underestimated matter... We've been sold this notion that matter lacks intelligence... We are finding novel proto-cognitive capacities in extremely minimal systems.  And they're surprising and shocking to us.  "

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