The Consensual Now and The Direction of Time

Exploring the Concept of Directional Time

One of the most interesting aspects of consciousness comes in the "shared moment of now" and apparent "directional vector of time".    From the ConscioCentric perspective, this is among the most awe inspiring topics to consider.   

The idea of "The Now" is a result of the collective, consensual consciousness / interaction of matter focused on a single frame in 4D time in the 5D many worlds canvas of probability -- a moment of the 3D material universe.   This consensual moment, "The 3D Now" is an extremely high probability composite of all material, 3-Dimensional Reality, on the axis of time, where the many worlds of probability overlap.   

The "Arrow of Time" seems to be a continual, seamless experience.   The questions of why we experience "the moment of now" all together, and the seemingly one directional "arrow of time" are among the biggest questions that philosophers and physicists ask... and among the most mysterious.  

Once of the speculations in Consciocentrism is that, in a similar way to how gravity "bends spacetime" on the 3D/4D Dimensional Manifold, Uniting Matter Together Over Time -- there may be a similar gravity-type-effect occurring on the 4D/5D Dimensional Manifold, uniting the 5D Many Worlds possibilities into this shared moment of now that we experience together.  This type of gravity-effect could be the reason we feel a consistent pull in one direction of time.   

This does open the possibility that there may be relativistic pockets of consciousness in different areas of the XYZTM block universe.   ie:  There may be other areas of consciousness in the universe that gather together and experience "the moment of now", in a different index on the axis of time.

Individual pockets of consciousness (our individual minds) have the ability to time travel through the medium of 4D SpaceTime and 5D Freewill - an amazing feat that we call "memory" or "visualization", where our conscious focus retreats from the continuous motion of the 3D Now, and samples other potential moments back in time, forward in time, and sideways through time (to other potential choice routes based on freewill and the multiverse) -- however, our consciousness is continually pulled back to "the moment of now" to experience it together with our surrounding local matter.      

Envisioning this 5D multiverse is something we will explore further, by examining the idea of dimensional promotion from the lower dimensions (1D>2D>3D>4D) and extrapolating that concept to a 5D multiverse.    For now, its important to understand that reality is probabilistic, and based on the consensus of all of consciousness.   Even the moment of the "3D now" that we spend most of our conscious focus on, is not 100% solid.   It may only be 99.97% solid, or less.   At the quantum level, where consciousness unfolds into 3D matter, science shows us that there is "uncertainty", and that exact solid reality of the now is linked to conscious observation.   As we use our consciousness to access memories, visualize the future, or visualize sideways through time to alternate realities in the multiverse, the very act of focusing our consciousness in these other realms of 4D time and the 5D multiverse is actually participating in that version of a 3D Now - however, since it is only accessed by the local conscious body that envisions it, it has a very low probabilistic chance of being considered "reality".     Reality is consensual.   

Albert Einstein
Theoretical Physicist, Philosopher, Founder of Relativity
"The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Steven Hawking
Theoretical Physicist, Cosmologist and Author
"Why do we remember the past, but not the future?"
Steven Hawking
Theoretical Physicist, Cosmologist and Author
"We live in the most probable of all possible worlds."
Erwin Schrodinger
Physicist, Quantum Mechanics Pioneer
"The present is the only thing that has no end."
Brian Greene
Physicist, Mathematician, String Theorist, Author
"... the comings and goings we observe in the three dimensions of day-to-day life might themselves be holographic projections of physical processes taking place on a distant, two-dimensional surface."
Sean Carroll
Physicist, Philosopher
"The idea of dimension in pop culture is sometimes misunderstood like there’s a place you can go, a mystical dimension or something like that.  To a physicist or mathematician, a dimension is just a direction."
Carlo Rovelli
Theoretical Physicist
"For a hypothetically supersensible being, there would be no “flowing” of time: the universe would be a single block of past, present, and future."
Lee Cronin
Chemist, Assembly Theory Pioneer
"Humans have little causal control of future... [But,] by reinterpreting your past, you can better shape your future."

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