The Human Senses

The Evolution of Senses for Control and Connection

In the ConscioCentric paradigm, consciousness is the foundation from which the dimensions unfold, and 3D matter exists, through a 4D timeline.   In this view, every piece of matter from a grain of sand up to the human vessel participates in this bidirectional interaction with consciousness.   

TOUCH: The most fundamental sense, which is present in all 3D matter.   It is interweaved with electro-magnetism and the strong nuclear force.   It is conscious matter's sense of connection with other matter - the charged vibrational interaction of matter at a fundamental connected level. 

TASTE/SMELL:  Taste and smell are two senses that are similar to touch, in that they directly involve the connection of 3D matter with the biological body.   The senses are an evolutionary stage up from touch however, in that they don't just recognize the physical connection and elemental bond interactions of matter you come in contact with.   Taste and smell senses use complex receptors to electro-magnetically and vibrationally identify elements and molecules in taste or smell, beyond the basic touch sense.

HEARING:   Hearing is also an evolved version of the sense of touch, where we measure vibrations in the molecules of the atmosphere.   The atmosphere (Primarily Nitrogen and Oxygen) is just a less dense form of matter that comes into contact with our ear drums.   Our sense of hearing analyzes rapid compression and decompression of air molecules touching the ear drum, and pieces them together as sound frequencies based on the vibrational rate traveling through the air.

SIGHT:   Sight is an advanced sense that measures vibrations of electromagnetic energy striking the cones and rods in our evolved eyes.   The electromagnetic spectrum encompasses heat, infrared, the visual spectrum, ultraviolet, radio waves, x rays and gamma rays, however our eyes are optimized to perceive the vibrations in just a short spectrum of electromagnetism - the "visual spectrum" - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet.     Sight goes way beyond the other core senses, in that it allows us to visualize a vast expanse of our environment, even out to the distance stars in the universe.   Sight was a pivotal evolution that consciousness created in its zillions of cycles of evolution.       

The below senses are ones that other forms of evolved life have, that may exist in a much lesser degree in some humans.  

MAGNETISM - Honey Bees, Sharks, Sea Turtles, Salmon, Tuna, Homing Pigeons, Migratory Birds and other animals have been studied for their sense of electromagnetic fields.   They can use the a sense of the Earth's magnetic field for navigation. 

ELECTRIC SENSE - Some animals like eels, sharks or other fish have a sense of electrical currents.   Electric eels have the ability to generate electrical charges to shock or kill prey.

ECHOLOCATION - This is an extension of the hearing sense, evolved beyond standard human senses, that allows some animals like whales, bats, and some ground and tree dwelling shrews to receive a highly detailed map of their surroundings based on advanced analysis of sound pulses. 

EXTENDED SPECTRUM VISION - Humans have vision limited to a small spectrum of light - the area we call the "visual spectrum".   Some animals have the ability to sense lower on the spectrum to infrared, or higher on the spectrum to ultraviolet or perhaps beyond.   


Deepak Chopra
Physician, Philosopher, Conscious Researcher
"Forward-looking physicists now realize that mind must be accounted for, which seems like a simple realization except that it was clouded behind a screen, the biggest factor being naïve realism... What is life if we get rid of relying on the five senses? These aren’t rhetorical questions. Life would be transformed if we abandoned the lure of the physical world and the mistaken data of the five senses. The human mind is uniquely able to go beyond appearances, and when we do, the destination is always consciousness."
Sean Carroll
Physicist, Philosopher
"The world is made of fields—substances spread through all of space that we notice through their vibrations, which appear to us as particles. The electric field and the gravitational field might seem familiar, but according to quantum field theory even particles like electrons and quarks are really vibrations in certain kinds of fields."
Carlo Rovelli
Theoretical Physicist
"Quantum mechanics and experiments with particles have taught us that the world is a continuous, restless swarming of things, a continuous coming to light and disappearance of ephemeral entities. A set of vibrations, as in the switched-on hippie world of the 1960s. A world of happenings, not of things. "
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