The Meaning of Life
The big picture of ConscioCentrism
ConscioCentrism posits that the ultimate "Meaning of Life" or "Meaning of Consciousness" is The Act of Creation. This action is also how the ConscioCentric Paradigm frames the idea of "God", when integrating concepts of the world's religions -
God can be a verb, meaning "The Act of Creation".
The Act of Creation, under the ConscioCentric Paradigm is defined as: the Separation of 3D Matter, and Reunification of 3D Matter into new forms. The Act of Creation is an endlessly repeating pattern, with the goal of "conscious beings" to expand their sphere of influence and control over their 3D environment, with the most agility for rapid change in 4D time.
Beyond the process of biological evolution and physiological growth of our bodies, we expand our conscious control spheres through the creation and usage of tools, and through interacting with other conscious beings using the creation of language and symbolism. Our creations and ideas may even propagate through the universe posthumously, leaving a causal/information legacy of our consciousness to future generations.
Separation and Unity
On a cosmological scale, this idea of creation (Separation and Unification into new structures) is the most fundamental pattern of the universe, from the Big Bang, to Gravity, to Solar Formation, to the Evolution of Life, to our Everyday Lives as Humans. The universe, on a fundamental level, is a finely balanced mix of separation impulse (the Big Bang, The Electroweak Force, Electromagnetism, Weak Nuclear, Dark Energy) and unification impulse (Gravity, The Strong Nuclear Force, Dark Matter).
In our everyday human lives, and in our societal rules, we are constantly balancing separation and unity. We feel a strong need for personal growth and individual identity (separation), but an equal need to bond with family, friends and society (unity).
Our socio-economic policies and politics can all be boiled down to a balance of separatism vs unity - ie: what benefits freedom and individualism vs what benefits societal growth and unity.
The Act of Creation exhibits itself strongly in our urge to procreate - to literally separate off our DNA, and unite sperm and egg to create a new vessel for consciousness.
We find happiness when we are the most creative - when we perform the acts of separation and reunification. Many jobs involve some sort of Act of Creation - builders, engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs, farmers, chefs, programmers, designers, musicians, artists, etc. All of these professions involve taking individual, separate building blocks and combining them to create something new - a united form with value or meaning exceeding the sum of its parts.
If you're ever feeling down, do something creative! - cook a meal, draw a picture, paint a canvas, play music, build something out of wood or other materials... take up a hobby that is creative, and you'll find the intrinsic happiness and satisfaction of participating in The Act of Creation. Alternatively, join together with a significant other, a friend, or family member and do something together - combine your conscious focus to create new ideas or activities.
Albert EinsteinTheoretical Physicist, Philosopher, Founder of Relativity "Creativity is contagious. Pass it on. "
Steven HawkingTheoretical Physicist, Cosmologist and Author "What is important is that we have the ability to create."
Sara WalkerAstrobiologist, Theoretical Physicist, Professor "I am not my atoms. You are not your molecules. We are part of the current moment of a billions-year-old lineage of propagating information that has structured matter on our Earth since the origin of life."
Sara WalkerAstrobiologist, Theoretical Physicist, Professor "If you want to live forever, maximize your causal output."
Brian GreenePhysicist, Mathematician, String Theorist, Author "How utterly wondrous it is that a collection of the universe’s particles can rise up, examine themselves and the reality they inhabit, determine just how transitory they are, and with a flitting burst of activity create beauty, establish connection, and illuminate mystery."
Lee CroninChemist, Assembly Theory Pioneer "Creativity is the act of pushing on the causal structure, and novelty is measuring the degree of that change. "