The Primary Sense of Touch

Examining the hierarchy of senses and vibrational nature

Consciocentrism states that there is one sense that all conscious matter exhibits - the sense of touch.   At the atomic level, matter is built from neutrons, protons, and electrons.    Protons and neutrons can be further disseminated as quarks in the quantum realm.   When the wave-particle duality is collapsed through consciousness and a particle is unfolded into matter, this conscious matter inherently has a sense of touch.   The positive and negative charges of protons and electrons can "feel" the presence of other nearby particles from the charge.   

The inherent conscious force of gravity pulls matter together (or rather bends space-time), at which point elements may repel each other, or with enough gravity and pressure, fuse together in a nuclear reaction, creating new, higher level elements via the strong nuclear force, and splitting off some quarks/energy via the Electroweak force (Weak Nuclear / Electromagnetic).    

All matter is conscious at the most fundamental level, and has a sense of touch.   This sense of touch at the atomic level is the same sense of touch we feel on a macro scale as humans, just scaled way down to the quantum / wave-particle level.    

Can we really Touch Anything? - Veritasium
This video explores the sense of touch at the atomic level:

When we talk about the other senses, the case can be made that all senses are descendants of touch in a hierarchy of senses.   If you dig deep enough into vision, hearing, smell, and taste, all of these senses rely on measuring oscillations and charge of other particles in proximity, through complex biological systems designed to process matter in different manners.   The light energy (photons/particles) that enter our retinas is processed by rods and cones in our eyes.   At the atomic level, the photons/particles interacting within our eyes, use a similar sense of touch to decode oscillations of charge and convert the wavelengths/energy levels of light into conscious information.  Similarly, with smell, taste, and hearing - at the atomic level, the same processes occur where particles outside the human body interact with our sense organs, which perform a bunch of analysis on the incoming elements (chemical materials and air movement) - measuring particle charge and configuration, and oscillations/vibrations over time - to decode a detailed conscious map of our 3-dimensional surroundings.   

Richard Feynman
Theoretical Physicist
"It is the fact that the electrons cannot all get on top of each other that makes tables and everything else solid."
Albert Szent Gyorgyi
"Life is nothing but an electron looking for a place to rest."
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