Western Religions

Analyzing Concepts of Western Religion

The ConscioCentric Paradigm is not at odds with religion   In fact, ConscioCentrism looks to religion and science for a vast wealth of wisdom and confirmation of its paradigm.

In a separate article, we discuss the concept of God.   For more detail, read that article.    In ConscioCentrism, God is not a noun, or a physical/supernatural being.   Rather, God is a verb.  God is "The Act of Creation".    By making this small, but important change from a noun to a verb, and studying classic religious texts, much of the ConscioCentric paradigm gains an interesting historical perspective into how life has known about the concepts of ConscioCentrism all along.

The "Seven Deadly Sins" is an interesting topic to explore in relation to ConscioCentrism.   At it's core, ConscioCentrism posits that the most fundamental impulse of the universe is a "balance between separation and unity" - Also, the "Act of Creation" is literally, an act of separation and unity - the definition of creating something is to take separate components and combine them into some sort of new, unified form that has greater value than the sum of the individual parts.

Now, looking at the Seven Deadly Sins, we can make the case that these concepts are largely about a balance of separation and unity, or honoring another conscious being's sphere on the societal vs individual level.   They are, at their root, warnings against taking separatism too far, and not balancing them with the unity of our community / society, or forcing control over other conscious bodies without consent.

Lust - Lust, at a lower level, could be seen as a natural and important urge to procreate (to separate and unify a new vessel).   But the warning of lust is in intense or unbridled sexual desire.   Rape is the ultimate sin of lust and its literally physically dominating another conscious body without consent.   Lust can also relate to lust for money or power - the warning of sin is that taken to extremes, a lustful person is assuming nonconsensual control over others in society. 

Gluttony - Gluttony is the over consumption of anything to the point of waste.    It is a sin of putting the separate, individual over the greater good and unity of society.   A single person hording more food than they need, while others starve, or struggle to get enough food matter to survive. 

Greed - Like lust and gluttony, greed is a sin of extreme individual / separatist desire, over the good of the society / unity of environment.   Greed is capitalism taken to extremes, where an individuals desire for separatism and control occurs at the expense of the greater good of society.   

Sloth - Sloth is an interesting sin, where the individual does not exhibit enough separatism or participate / contribute to the good of society.   Sloth is a sin of omitting responsibilities.   At an extreme level, socialism or communism may lead to sloth, if there is no reward system for participating in the advancement of society.   Acedia is a related "historical sin" that represents the neglect to take care of something that one should do.   

Wrath - Wrath is a sin of materially destructive impulses of consciousness.   Wrath may occur as anger, rage or hatred, either to another form of material consciousness (another human vessel), or it can be centered on ones own self (in the case of extreme drug abuse).    Wraths extreme is murder, suicide or physical abuse, where an individual literally destroys a human or animal vessel of consciousness.   

Envy - Envy is a sin of separatism and control.   It is coveting another person's consciousness control over matter, or their conscious bond with another being.   At its worst, Envy results in harming other conscious beings through material sabotage or communication deception. 

Pride - Pride is a sin of too much separation, and has sometimes been called "the original sin" or the "most serious" sin.   It is interesting because it is directly related to a being putting too much emphasis on individualism and separatism.   Pride is a corruptive selfishness - putting ones own desires, urges and wants above the welfare and good of the community / society / unity.     Pride is all about coveting individual control, at the expense of any greater good.   Vainglory (or Vanity) is a related historic sin that is often grouped together with Pride - It is again putting oneself (the separate individual) over the good of the unity, at an extreme position.   



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