Jason Cooper
Information Systems Engineer, Data Scientist, Consciocentric Creator

Jason Cooper is the editor and primary writer behind the Consciocentric Paradigm. Over the past 25 years, he has researched quantum mechanics, classical physics, metaphysics, chemistry, biology, sociology, cosmology and history, with a focus on understanding consciousness. He has a bachelors degree in 3D Computer Modeling, Particle Systems and 4D Animation. The understanding of the 3-Dimensions of Space, plus fourth dimension of time, is key to the Consciocentric Paradigm.
Consciocentrism follows a similar interpretation of quantum mechanics to Hugh Everett's Relative State Formulation (Many Worlds). Consciocentrism posits that a 5th Dimension is the medium for the "Many Worlds", and that we exist in not just one of these many worlds at any given time, but in all of them, and that reality is a stacked composite image of the 5D multiverse of possibility. Our conscious minds freely traverse this medium - a phenomenon we call memory, foresight, and alternate path consideration. In the moment of now, the quantum probabilities collapse into a highly aligned composite of the 5D Many Worlds, creating what appears to be our solid reality in the moment of now.
Quotes by Jason Cooper
"Consciocentrism posits that the Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI) of quantum mechanics indicates another dimension perpendicular to the time dimension, which allows for the probabilistic nature of reality, plus branching and freewill -- and that consciousness exists in not just one of the many worlds at any given time, but in all of them -- the solid reality of the moment of now is a highly aligned, stacked composite image of the 5D manyverse of possibility." - Jason Cooper"We are three-dimensional beings living in four-dimensional spacetime. In a state of meditation or lucid sleep, one can consciously detach from the habitual focus of ones individual 3D vessel (our body), traveling forward on our 4D timeline -- and we can experience the wholeness of the 3D environment and 4D space-time block universe. At this transcendent state, consciousness peers into the five-dimensional many-verse -- The "many worlds" indicated by Hugh Everett's Relative State Formulation of Quantum Mechanics. The 5D Many Worlds is the canvas for quantum probability, freewill, and the alternate pathways that collective 4D reality may take." - Jason Cooper"The currency of consciousness is information. Information is the juxtaposition of 3D moments in 4D time. " - Jason Cooper"Question everything, including the question itself." - Jason Cooper"Consciousness and matter, at a fundamental level, are two sides of the same coin. Consciousness is inseparable from matter, and the driving force behind the fundamental forces of nature and biodynamics. " - Jason Cooper
Persons shown on this website are not affiliated with or materially involved with the ConscioCentric Paradigm. Their writings, teachings, publications or quotes have been influential to the ideas of ConscioCentrism.