Richard Dawkins

Biologist, Philosopher

Richard Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist and outspoken advocate for Charles Darwin's natural selection explanation of the evolution of life.   He has written several important books including The Selfish Gene, The Extended Phenotype, and The Blind Watchmaker.   

From a ConscioCentric viewpoint, natural selection is absolutely correct in its explanation for the "rules of evolution" in regards to coexisting in the biosphere of a given environment.   However, Natural Selection still does not answer the WHY question - why does life emerge and try even try to evolve, grow and control its surrounding environment.    Dawkins, along with many other materialist/determinists are focused only on randomness and chance, but there is certainly something deeper that is driving life to order, rather than following the natural path of entropy/disorder that is expected by the laws of thermodynamics.   The ConscioCentric view is that consciousness, fundamental and intrinsic to matter itself, is the driving force that navigates through the natural selection bounds, and attempts to create more intricate structures to control larger spheres of the environment, starting with basic RNA and protein machines, to cellular organisms, to multi cell organs, to multi organ lifeforms, and so-on.   

The term "Conscious Design" may be an applicable term to describe this, through it comes with some semantic baggage since its similar sounding to the term Intelligent Design.    Intelligent Design is really just a trojan horse terminology for western religions and their belief in a physical, tangible god.    ConscioCentrism is fully subscribed to science, evolution and natural selection.   More on the topic of Conscious Design here:

Quotes by Richard Dawkins

"Natural selection is anything but random." - Richard Dawkins

"People believe the only alternative to randomness is intelligent design." - Richard Dawkins

"We should not live by Darwinian principles. But Darwin explains how we got here." - Richard Dawkins

"I am very comfortable with the idea that we can override biology with free will." - Richard Dawkins

"Survival machines that can simulate the future are one jump ahead of survival machines that who can only learn of the basis of trial and error. The trouble with overt trial is that it takes time and energy. The trouble with overt error is that it is often fatal. ...The evolution of the capacity to simulate seems to have culminated in subjective consciousness. Why this should have happened is, to me, the most profound mystery facing modern biology." - Richard Dawkins

"Biology is the study of complicated things that have the appearance of having been designed with a purpose." - Richard Dawkins

Persons shown on this website are not affiliated with or materially involved with the ConscioCentric Paradigm. Their writings, teachings, publications or quotes have been influencial to the ideas of ConscioCentrism.

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