Evolution of Life

Evolution as undulating acts of separation and unity

The term "evolution" is a loaded word in many circles, specifically among some religious communities, as some think that it's at odds with the core of their belief system.   But by changing the meaning of the term "God" from a noun to a verb instead, then evolution can fit well within the general belief system of most religions.   Instead of thinking of God as a "Being Who Creates", think of God as an action:  The Act of Creation.   

In the ConscioCentric view, "creation" and "evolution" are two sides of the same coin.   Creation is an act of separation/division, and then reunification into a new construct.   Evolution is "The Act of Creation", repeated over-and-over through time.   The will of individual pockets of consciousness is to continuously separate and reunify, with the goal of fusing together and controlling larger spheres of conscious control over 3D matter through 4D time and 5D collective will.     

After the big bang (separation), and solar formation (gravity),  the solar systems stabilize.   On planets, the conscious urge to continue the cycle of separation and reunification continues.  Photons of energy from the sun bombard the planet, giving heat energy, animation and motion to planets troposphere.   Elements that have unified from the Big Bang, or "Small Bangs" of supernovas, combine together to create molecules.   

Over spans of geological time molecules and elements combine, separate and recombine to create new constructs of conscious 3D matter.   This leads to the creation of proteins, and a conscious code of creation:  RNA/DNA.    Consciousness continues its Act of Creation over further spans of geological time (evolution), eventually creating cellular components:  the cellular nucleus, the cytoplasm and membrane.   These creations of consciousness allow for expanded conscious spheres of control and further interaction with other spheres of influence in the material world. 

After trillions of acts of creation (separation and reunification), single cell organisms evolve, with the conscious goal of expanding the local sphere of influence over 3D matter through 4D time.   Consciousness decides that it can divide into "specialized pockets" of consciousness that can work together to create something greater than the sum of its individual components.   Complex cellular organisms evolve with localized pockets of consciousness controlling different aspects of the physical vessel... organelles of the vessel working together to expand the sphere of influence of consciousness. 

Each organelle / organ of life having a local conscious/subconscious sphere of control, but working together to deliver more complex evolved vessels for consciousness.   Specialization and combined system unification allowing complex organisms to form over generations.  Each generation and act of creation of consciousness, further perfecting its control over larger and larger spheres of matter, and the environment of the planetary body.   

This game of evolution and creation continues over further spans of geological time and trillions more iterations and offshoots, creating a variety of different species.   Each one a different path of consciousness, trying to expand its conscious sphere of control over local 3D matter through 4D time.    

In the ConscioCentric paradigm, every component of our bodies has consciousness.   Muscle memory literally exists, where localized consciousness of our arm or leg muscles repeats patterns over time and remembers how to shoot a basketball or finger complex patterns on a guitar, or other skills where the execution appears to occur "sub-consciously".    

In relatively recent times, our focus on sciences and deterministic, binary understanding of reality has lead to some incomplete views.   Our medical understanding has pronounced that consciousness is something that arbitrarily and magically seems to appear out of life at some point, and scientists and doctors believe its something that specifically comes out of the brain organ.   

In the ConscioCentric paradigm, the brain is certainly a masterpiece of conscious design -- but its not the generator of consciousness.   It's more like an chemical and electrical signal processing router.   A transceiver that allows the body to rapidly receive sense data and direct lower level conscious spheres to receive or excrete 3D matter.   The brain is the central processing unit for the body, controlling the nervous system which directs organs to interchange matter within the body, to allow higher energy expenditure by certain muscle groups or systems.     The brain is a conscious transceiver of our higher level 5D consciousness that receives vibrations of touch, vibrations of sight, vibrations of smell/taste, and vibrations of sound to construct vibrant conscious visualizations of nearby environment of matter and other pockets of consciousness.   

Our consciousness is primarily focused on the "moment of now", and a short window into the future, planning what we wish our vessels/bodies to do.   The brain is a highly evolved transceiver for our conscious will, and uses the nervous system to transmit impulses to other organs of the body (and their "sub-conscious" spheres of control) - regulating the matter of our bodies, breaking apart / separating molecules,  sending molecules / elements throughout our circulatory and nervous systems, to allow the various pockets of consciousness in our human vessels to work together to alter our interaction with the environment and expand our control over more matter. 


Richard Dawkins
Biologist, Philosopher
"Biology is the study of complicated things that have the appearance of having been designed with a purpose."
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Astrophysicist, Author, Lecturer
"Every living thing is a masterpiece, written by nature and edited by evolution."
Sean Carroll
Physicist, Philosopher
"The universe is incredibly more orderly than it has any right to be."
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