Article - Fundamentals, Metaphysics, Quantum

Defining Consciousness in the ConscioCentric Paradigm

The Meaning of Life
Article - Fundamentals, Creation, Practical

The big picture of ConscioCentrism

Artificial Intelligence and AI Consciousness
Article - Creation, Practical, Environment, Technology

Examining the implications of AI in terms of Consciocentrism

Creativity and The Act of Creation
Article - Fundamentals, Creation, Practical

An analysis of creativity and the act of creation.

The Combination Problem and Panpsychism
Article - Physics, Quantum, Metaphysics, Sociology

Examining panpsychism and the combination problem.

Creation and Happiness
Article - Practical, Creation

Exploring the Meaning of Creation

Panpsychism and ConscioCentrism
Article - Theories, Metaphysics, Fundamentals

Exploring Panpsychism and the Relation to ConscioCentrism

Environment Mastery
Article - Sociology, Historic, Environment, Technology

Tools and Human Environmental Mastery

Human Procreation and Sex
Article - Creation, Physiology

The act of sex driven by a impulse to create

The Flow State of Consciousness
Article - Physiology, Dimensions, Metaphysics

Examining the Temporal States of Focus

The Order of Cleaning
Article - Practical

Examining the disorder of our possessions

Your Favorite Shape
Article - Dimensions, Cosmology, Fundamentals, Physics

Examining shapes and the geometric language of the universe.

Trust Versus Worry
Article - Sociology, Physiology, Environment

Examining the concepts of Trust vs Worry, Concern or Anxiety

David Bohm
Physicist, Conscious Researcher, Philosopher
Quote - Science, Order and Creativity

A key difference between a dialogue and an ordinary discussion is that, within the latter people usually hold relatively fixed positions and argue in favor of their views as they try to convince others to change. At best this may produce agreement or compromise, but it does not give rise to anything creative.

Lee Cronin
Chemist, Assembly Theory Pioneer
Quote - Lex Fridman Podcast

The universe is infinitely creative.

Sam Harris
Neuroscientist, Philosopher
Quote - Waking Up

There is nothing novel about trying to become happy. And one can become happy, within certain limits, without any recourse to the practice of meditation. But conventional sources of happiness are unreliable, being dependent upon changing conditions. It is difficult to raise a happy family, to keep yourself and those you love healthy, to acquire wealth and find creative and fulfilling ways to enjoy it, to form deep friendships, to contribute to society in ways that are emotionally rewarding, to perfect a wide variety of artistic, athletic, and intellectual skills—and to keep the machinery of happiness running day after day. There is nothing wrong with being fulfilled in all these ways—except for the fact that, if you pay close attention, you will see that there is still something wrong with it. These forms of happiness aren’t good enough. Our feelings of fulfillment do not last. And the stress of life continues.

Nikola Tesla

Invention is the most important product of man's creative brain. The ultimate purpose is the complete mastery of mind over the material world, the harnessing of human nature to human needs.

Nikola Tesla

All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never-ending cycles all things and phenomena.

Mikhail Bakunin
Philosopher, Revolutionary

The urge to destroy is also a creative urge.

Steve Jobs
Businessman, Industrial Designer, Computer Pioneer

Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn’t really do it, they just saw something.

Jordan Peterson
Clinical Psychologist
Quote - Beyond Order

A certain amount of creativity and rebellion must be tolerated - or welcomed, depending on your point of view - to maintain the process of regeneration. Every rule was once a creative act, breaking other rules.


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